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Property Finance Survey

Results From Our Survey On Financing Options

Our survey on financing options in the Australian property market yielded some interesting results. Those who took the survey almost all felt that funding was getting harder to come by.

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The group also thought that the funding market was particularly tough in Queensland and Western Australia.

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At the same time, respondents felt that their experience with private lenders was generally positive, and that non-bank lending was getting more competitive and less expensive.

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Interestingly, despite the negative feelings about banks and bank funding, most respondents said their first point of funding would be the big banks.

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Views on the royal commission were uniformly negative, with an overwhelming majority saying it would make the funding environment worse.

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Ironically, more respondents felt that the royal commission benefited the Big 4 Banks and actually made things worse for consumers. They also recognised that the commission dealt a tremendous blow to the mortgage banking industry.

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If you’d like to know more about how Capital Empire can help you or your clients with its capital needs, please give Silvio Morello a call today at 1800 327 924